Young Love?

Dating, romance and courtship are traditionally considered the preserve of the young, but with growing numbers of 'silver surfers' (senior citizens using the Internet), it is becoming obvious that one doesn't have to be a spring chicken to appreciate the joys of spring!


Here in the western world we are obsessed with youth. Our media is saturated with images of the young, beautiful and happy selling us products on the back of the promise that we will become like them if we should only buy this face cream or that car or this insurance policy.


The fantastic and circular equation this fallacy is based on seems to be that youth=beauty=success=desirability=love=happiness=youth etc.


One only has to look at our icons of romance to see the indelible link between youth and romance. In fact, two of our most famous romantic icons, Juliet and Pocahontas (as lauded by Peggy Lee in the classic love song 'Fever') were so young at the time of embarking on their turbulent romances that they would not, today, be considered of legal age.


In amongst all this, ne could easily be left with the impression that beyond the age of thirty, all hope for romance is lost.


Happily this is not so! Our senior citizens are getting involved in the dating game in their droves. Actually in all probability they have been doing it for years but the older generation, certainly in Britain, are renowned for their discretion almost to the point of coyness.


Luckily for social analysts and writers like myself, a convergence of recent phenomena makes it possible to now gain a much fuller impression of just what our seniors are getting up to!

Recent years have seen an explosion in the number of 'silver surfers', that is to say people of retirement age or above who are web literate to a greater or lesser extent and are making regular use of the Internet.


The same period has seen a rapid growth in the online dating industry. The result of these two phenomena is that we can see quite plainly, looking at the figures, that it's definitely not just the young folks who are looking for love online.


A recent study carried out by my company revealed over 14,000 active dating site users over the age of 65 compared to an average age group membership of just over 25,000.


With numbers like this it's understandable that seniors are regarded as an important demographic by us in the online dating industry and hardly surprising that classes in Internet dating are springing up at places like the Pleasant Hill Senior Centre in Contra Costa, California.


With a population that is increasingly ageing as the baby boom generation reach their 60s and take a greater knowledge and awareness of current and developing technologies into their later years, it can only be expected that this phenomenon will increase.


And so it should be! Why should the spring chickens get a monopoly on the joys of spring?

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Foreigner Dating

I hope you like this and lucky with your love ;)

Dating Koreans


Dating a Foreigner


Elenas Models Tips for Marrying a Foreigner - Online Dating

Elenas Models Tips for Marrying a Foreigner - Online Dating


Dating Foreign Women

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Get real date, Right now!!!

Have a lot of many many guide line about dating online, but it just like theory not real situation.Someone can not use some guide rule for his/her date, why???. I think some guide rule for dating ,it not come from real situation or real life.So he/she is unsuccessful on his/her date.Today I have clip VDO “How to get real date” present to you. After I reviewed, I think it is really dating rule and I hope to it useful and make success for your date.


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Christian Dating Advice For Men

Christian Dating Balancing our beliefs and desires is an ever acting characteristic in a humans life, we strive do this all the time.


As men, we all find ourselves struggling from time to time with our urges and our faith. Here you can gain some perspective of fitting these two together.


It is natural to want to stay true to what we believe in. And for most Christian men, it is important that love occur within the boundaries of church.


Sex during marriage only is one of those boundaries.


Whether we follow it or not, there are validities of free will choices at work here and it is not for us to judge this belief.


Ancient legends tell us that when we partake of sex with one another, a part of their soul lingers with ours and we carry that piece of soul around with us for the rest of our lives.


Keeping your virginity for your wife is a wise choice since this is true in some respects.

This can present a challenge for men who strive to remain strong in their faith.


There are a few perspectives to consider when you wish to continue attracting women and then foster your relationship while awaiting the consummation of marriage.


After all - sex is important! Getting married to someone who's sexually incompatible with you can be a very difficult union to be in.


These few outlooks are especially for men who face the challenge of mixing faith and romance.


1. Refine your beliefs


Keep in mind that things will be easier when you clarify your beliefs, since it is your faith, which guides you through your life.


God gave us free will and the ability to think and reason. It is up to us to look at all our options and decide what path to take. You may believe in some of what the Church teaches, but not all. Or, you may embrace all of the Church's teachings.


Your choice is your own; however, you must be clear of your belief and stand strong.


2. Trust in the plan God has for you.


Keep your faith that God has a plan for you and the woman you are meant to be with when the two of you are united.


Keep in mind, you have to do your part too, since there is only so much that he can do. You have free will and must take action to capture the opportunities presented to you.


To find the right woman for you, you must be proactive.


Going out and meeting women, taking them on dates, getting to know them - this is not just stuff that happens. We have to MAKE it happen. And it is our actions which keep us on the path


God has set out for us, because our actions are based on what we believe.


3. Know that Virginity is not mystical or precious.


Many people have a notion that virginity is something to be prized, but it really isn't. Sex is just an act. It's just like breathing, or walking, or exercising. It is something we do.


Gods intention is for man to be fruitful and multiply, this means sex. It is one of the greatest gifts from God; his intention is for us to have sex, this is why sex is pleasurable.


Virginity maybe a sacred in some respects, however the way we think about it is confusing. Virginity is meant to be lost, the challenge however, in in finding the right person to whom with to share it.


In the end, there is a spiritual aspect to sex. It's the aspect that you find someone who makes you feel whole, alive, and loved. This is something separate from the act of sex, because this touches you on a deeper level.


Striving to achieve this type of intimacy helps you determine if the physical aspects are in tune also.


Do not be afraid to be intimate with women! Kissing, hugging, touching - this is all fine. But sharing your hopes and dreams, staring deep into her eyes and feeling her inner-most desires... that is where true intimacy stems from.


4. Women are real and do not belong on a pedestal.


When you place too much importance on blending sex and faith, you may find yourself inflating the importance of a woman.


You might see her as a delicate flower, or a goddess, or something that needs to be cherished and treated special.


Keep in mind that in many ways men and women are alike. We all come from the same place.


You should never put a woman on a pedestal simply because you find her sexually attractive.


This is not the same as having respect for her.

It is easy to love an ideal. But it is hard to love the reality. The woman who gets awnry when she's hungry, the woman who nags you about taking out the garbage, the woman who wakes up in the morning with bad breath - that is the reality.


We have to learn to love the reality of women, and not idealize them. Realize that sex is just one aspect to the females of our species. And that being human, we all share similar traits.


When we see girls as people, just like us, we are able to get a clearer picture of whether or not we are meant to be with them.


For all the most recent tips and methods for approaching and dating women. Get more great christian dating advice @ Art of approaching.

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Dating Tips for Shy Guys Help You Relate to Women

shy guySo, I have a friend he is very very shy.I try to find solution on the internet to tell him that don’t be shy. I found “Dating Tips for Shy Guys Help You Relate to Women”, I think it might be useful help my friend, hope you also like it.Please review.


Relating to women is about learning to be natural around a woman and get her interested in having sex with you. As a shy guy, you have probably spent a lot of time watching the women you are attracted to be hit on by and even responding positively to jerks. You might be thinking it makes no sense that a woman would be turned on by the lying, cheating, wanna be a player type of guy.


The truth is jerks are able to date women because they know how to be selfish. Selfish guys naturally have more marchioness than other guys, because they are selfish they act superior to others. This confidence comes in handy when they go to talk to women since they do not worry about a woman turning them down. Dating tips for shy guys help men recognize what women want and how they can naturally become what a woman is looking for. Consider the following five traits that every shy guy needs to develop:


Flex your authority


Shy guys are doormats, women step all over them and dump all kinds of dirt on them. Why? Because shy guys let them get away with it. When a woman meets an authoritative man, she knows she cannot get away with using him like this and will not even try. If she actually does, he will quickly put her in her place and establish his status as the leader.


Great examples of men who are always in charge are man in uniforms. Guys in military services, police officers and firefighters are guys who are used to given orders and leading other men around them. Women know not to test this type of guy and naturally defer to them and respect their authoritative role in a relationship, effortlessly surrendering their power.




Learn dating tips for shy guys to be comfortable at being in your own presence. Guys who are independent do not depend on any one woman for his happiness. You can practice this by being a little arrogant, meaning you recognize you can get any girl you want and you refuse to allow yourself to get too into any one girl. This works to get a woman's attention because women always want to be the one girl who matters most to a guy.


Show your independence by not calling a girl every day. Be sure to act like you are not that interested in her, the trick is you do not want to come across as cavalier or seem as if you do not care about her at all. Your goal is not too appear to be more into the relationship than she is. Think of this as her being the one to chase you and you getting to decide if you let her get close enough to think she catch you.


Bad Boy Traits


Women think bad boys are fun, sexy and a little bit wild. Unlike a nice guy, he is not safe and women are intrigued by reforming the bad boy. In addition, dating a bad boy lets a woman explore a hidden side, the desire to be a little wild and bad herself. You do not have to become a bad boy, but dating tips for shy guys can ease you into learning how to let go of your rigid behaviors and have a little more fun, by doing different things and having new experiences with a woman you like.


Never get too involved when talking


Dating tips for shy guys allow men to understand what topics they can talk about freely with a woman and which are taboo! Dating a woman in the beginning is a lot like taking a test drive. If you want to buy the hottest car on the street, you do not run it off the road.


When carrying on a conversation with a woman steer clear of conversation pitfalls.
You do not want to tell her about being potty trained, how you hate all woman because your last girlfriend was a money hungry serpent or why every girl you has ever dated has dumped you. None of these topics does you any good and always remember too much information overload! If it involves bodily functions, other women or your belief in conspiracy theories it probably is a topic of conversation you need to avoid at all costs.


Good body language should never be underestimated


No dating tips for shy guys could be complete without helping guys understand exactly how they need to attract a woman in the first place. Guys who are shy spend their entire lives trying to avoid women and not being in the crowd or a part of the team. To combat this bad shy guy behavior put yourself out there where women can see you and interact with you. Go bold and make eye contact, flirt as if nobody is watching and smile like the hottest woman in the room is looking!

About the Author

Buddy Franklin is a dating advice guru. He recommends: Dating Book,
Dating Tips For Guys, Dating Tips for Shy Guys



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A Better Loving Relationship


A Better Loving Relationship - 36 Critical Lessons Mind Map will help light the romantic spark that might currently be missing in your relationship.


Our intimate relationships are the most important aspects of many people’s lives. Good, solid, fruitful and fulfilling loving relationships not only provide us with great joy and happiness, they also support our careers, inspire us towards the achievement of our deepest and most cherished goals, and provide a deeper sense of both physical

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What Women Really Want From Dating

Take it from a woman


Women want a real man, not a player. Don’t think, “I can have my fun now and get married later.” Make a commitment to your future wife by deciding to wait for her now! Here’s some helpful tips:

               Respect your date by being intentional about dating and not leading her on. Do you just want sex, or do you really want to build a relationship? Set your dating boundaries before you are in a relationship. When you start dating, communicate your boundaries to your date and then DON’T cross the line. Don’t think condoms or birth control will protect you; abstinence is your best protection against STDs, HIV, pregnancy, and child support.


                Don’t mess with your future. Realize “no” means NO! There are multiple levels of sexual assault from first to fifth degree. Fifth degree sexual assault is inappropriately touching a
girl with all her clothes on. If you violate someone, you can land in prison for 3-20 years depending on the situation. Guys can also be victims. Avoid situations where you could be wrongly accused of inappropriate behavior.


               Be a MAN and stand up for what you believe. Hang around guys who have committed to abstinence so they can support your decision to wait. Be the man women want by waiting for marriage!

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Dating – Do’s and Don’ts

One in six women have been a victim of rape, and among female rape victims 54% are under
age eighteen. Here are some tips to help protect yourself. Is yourboyfriend a lizard? Read on to find out!


Do keep a cell phone and contact information with you at all times.
Do keep an emergency stash of money for a taxi with you in case your date goes sour.
Do make sure someone knows where you are at all times.
Do learn some self-defense moves.
Don’t go out with a guy if you don’t know him very well.


Do get to know him in group settings.
Don’t go on a blind date alone. Insist on double dating with a couple you know.
Don’t go to quiet or secluded spots with your date.
Do suggest going somewhere public if he really wants to get to know you.


Don’t leave your drink unattended at a party or eat anything questionable. Drugs can be slipped into your drink.
Don’t go to a guy’s place alone with him.


Do develop high standards and set boundaries of personal space.
Do let your date know where your boundaries are.
Don’t let him violate any portion of your boundaries—if he does, tell him to stop. If he doesn’t stop—LEAVE!
Don’t try and explain things to him, just excuse yourself and call a friend or a taxi.


Do trust your instincts. If you sense something isn’t right—get out of the situation.
Don’t think you owe him any physical or sexual favors even if he helped you or spent money on you.
Don’t give in to verbal manipulation. It’s a form of abuse and can be a red flag that he wants to violate you.
Do report him to the police immediately if he inappropriately touches you!
Do protect yourself if you are attacked (go for the eyes, kick, bite). Make a lot of noise. If you can—RUN AWAY!
Don’t blame yourself if you are attacked. It is not always possible to ward off an attack.

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This is your final, ninth part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #8 was to be honest.


With all the freedom Internet dating brings, you must always remember it is a real relationship, not just writing letters to beautiful women.


How hard it might be sometimes, you have to be absolutely honest with the wonderful women you'll come in touch with - they will appreciate your honesty much more than a smooth talk.


And now it is time for the final and very short Rule #9...


Rule #9. Don't procrastinate - do it!


Many men browse catalogues of agencies but never write to anyone. Others, after extensive thoughts, decide "to give it a try", and write to a couple of girls - nothing comes out of it, and then they think, "Oh, it just does not work".


No one learnt to ride a bicycle without falling a few times. 
But anyone can learn to ride a bicycle!


The same with meeting people over the Internet. For some people it comes easy, for others it takes longer.


But if you persist, you WILL succeed.
You only fail when you stop trying!

Learn as much as you can beforehand; you have already done very well by reading this whole email course - add to it a couple of quality e-books, and you will outperform 90% of other men!


Then, just go and do it!

Thousands people did it before you, are doing it now, and will be doing it in the future.


You can do it, too!


This Was The Last One Of

"9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women"

I hope you have found this information useful.


Good luck and I am looking forward to receiving your wedding photo!


With warmest regards,

Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova

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This is your eighth part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #7 was to seek to understand first, then to be understood.


Avoid hidden traps of Russian courting etiquette - learn beforehand what is acceptable and what is not. Don't let this perfect relationship to be ruined because of cultural misunderstandings!


Now that you have realized that things are NOT the same in relationships with Russian women and made a note for yourself to read related information on the subject, it is time for the Rule #8...


Rule #8. Be honest

Some men feel a beautiful woman will not love him the way he is. They might have faced rejection from local women in the past, and feel insecure. Because of that some men try to be somebody different than they really are in correspondence with women they meet online.


It is so easy to pose as someone else when talk to people over the Internet... you can be whoever you want!


That's tempting.

The problem is that the woman will have to live with the real man, not that imaginary person. If she realizes that she was lied to, it will destroy her affection. If there is no love and affection, but bitterness and resentment instead, the marriage will hardly survive.

If your goal is not just writing letters and enjoying talking to beautiful women, but you want a woman like this to be your wife, then you must be absolutely honest to her.

Sometimes it may not be easy, but she will appreciate your honesty much more than a smooth talk.


Saying this, it does not mean you must give her a detailed answer on every inconvenient question.

If you would prefer not to answer some question, simply answer it very short and vague.


For example, she asks you what was the reason for your divorce. It might be that your former wife was unfaithful to you, or you to her; in both cases the true answer would make you feel uncomfortable - and could also potentially negatively influence your relationship.


What to do in this case?

Ignoring her question wouldn't be smart.
Better answer it but in uncertain terms.


For example:


"I don't want to explain the reasons for my divorce in details; let's just say something happened that my former wife and me could not live together any longer. I moved out, and in a few months we were officially divorced. We don't see each other anymore [we managed to maintain a normal relationship, and I see my children often]."

You see?


You have answered her question but you did not degrade yourself or your former wife.


Moreover, your girlfriend will prefer this type of answer to long explanations of the whole bunch of problems in your former marriage. Showing respect to your former partner you position yourself as a trustworthy and honorable person - and vice versa, if you complain about your ex, you lose in the eyes of your new passion.


So be honest - but be smart, too.


Sometimes it may be the best to be straightforward: for example, she asks why did you decide to look for a wife in Russia, and your interest in exploring your options with Russian women was the result of a scam attempt.


(This is quite typical by the way! - Men get in contact with a scam artist pretending to be a Russian woman, then discover the truth; but by that time they have learned so much about Russian women that they become attracted to the idea of finding a partner in Eastern Europe.)

In this case, even though you might feel embarrassed, the best is to tell it as it is: that you have not been looking for a Russian wife but received a letter from a "Russian woman", and this is why you started to look for information about Russia. You have later discovered your correspondent was a non-existing person and a scam, but you became interested in the idea, and this is how you found her profile.


You might even add that it is quite embarrassing for you to tell her that.

She will appreciate your honesty.


As a guidance, think what kind of reaction would you have if you asked the same question from her, and received an answer like yours.

If you feel your answer might be too harsh, soften it admitting your feelings about that - but be honest, nevertheless.

Any person deserves love and is loved by somebody the way he is - his parents, siblings, kids or friends.


A beautiful woman can love you for you, too.

Let her do it!

Rule #9 Is On Its Way Tomorrow!

I hope you enjoy your subscription.

And don't forget...

The final, ninth rule of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" is coming tomorrow!


Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova

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This is your seventh part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #6 was to show her you are for real.


All women have certain fears connected with the search for a husband abroad. Women's biggest fear is that she will spend her time and effort on you and it will end in vain.


In order to be successful, you need to show the woman that you are a stable, serious person, who knows what he wants and is ready to turn this Internet adventure into a real-life relationship.


Now that you know you need to prove to women that you are for real and how to do it, it is time for the Rule #7...


Rule 7. Seek to understand first, then to be understood


Many men make a mistake of trying to judge Russian women the same way they judge western women. But Russian women grew up in a different culture, and they have different values. 

As you know by now, they even have a different definition of success in life.

It is not easy for a man to understand what women want... but now you have in addition those "cultural variables"!


How do you deal with that?

Certainly, you can guess - and there is a possibility that you might guess right... a very slight possibility, I must add.


This is exactly what most men are doing - guessing!


They think things are the same with Russian women...



There are many cultural nuances that can turn your message upside down, and the idea she gets will be completely the opposite of what you were trying to converse!


Let me give you a practical example.


For instance, in western culture it is considered inappropriate to offer the same thing twice. But in Russian culture, it is considered inappropriate to accept an offer the first time; one should refuse at first and accept it only when the offer is repeated several times.


Imagine yourself on a date, you would ask your date if she is hungry, and she would say she is OK, and you would not be worried. At the same time she feels neglected because she is terribly hungry and only refused because it is the custom; you were supposed to offer it a few times more! For her, it looks like you grabbed the opportunity to save on her, and your offer weren't genuine - if it were genuine, you would insist. She thinks you are cheap!


Be sure to learn beforehand what is acceptable in Russian culture and Russian courting etiquette, and what is not. 


Where can you learn it?


There are excellent e-books available on the subject. Books will save you months and thousands in your search, and will ensure you meet a better quality woman.


What I like about e-books, is that they are constantly updated by their authors and give you the latest information and advice. A paper book, once published, may become obsolete in just a few months - with e-books, it never happens! You always get the latest information on the subject.


I believe if something is worth doing, it is worth doing it right.


To do something right the first time, the only way is to learn from people who have done it right - after making lots of mistakes on their own! - and are willing to share their knowledge. Avoid advice of the people who did not reach their goals. Learn from people who have succeeded.


In my latest e-book, "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me", I devote considerable effort explaining the details of Russian courting etiquette, what is acceptable and what is not.


By now, I have not come across another book on the subject that would explain those things in such a detail; so I suggest you start from there.


Behave with Russian women the way they are accustomed to, and you will be miles ahead of your competition!

Rule #8 Is On Its Way Tomorrow!

I hope you enjoy your subscription.


And don't forget...
There are 2 more "Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" coming soon!



Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova

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This is your sixth part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #5 was to don't questions her intentions.


Russian women have a different definition of success than western women - for them, being successful means to be married to a worthy man, create a cozy home and bring up good children.


Without a husband Russian women feel their life is incomplete. Russian women really want to get married! This is why they are ready to leave their homeland behind - NOT the other way around!


Now that you know the real reason why Russian women seek partners abroad, it is time for the Rule #6...


Rule #6. Show her YOU are for real

As you want to be sure you are talking to a real woman, a woman wants to be confident about you!

She wants to know that you are serious about meeting a life partner from another country.

She does not want an Internet romance or a pen pal; she wants a real relationship, and eventually marriage.

This is the ultimate reason why she ventured into the search for a partner abroad!

Every woman has certain fears connected to the search for a husband abroad. Women's biggest fear is that she will spend her time, emotions and effort on you, and it will end in vain.


You will understand why, when you learn the sad statistics: only 5% of men writing to Russian women ever go to Russia to meet them!

It means, if she corresponds with 20 men, only ONE of those men is likely to visit her!

Now you understand why the woman needs to be confident in your intentions before she invests her time and emotions in you.

You must address those fears and demonstrate that you are ready to go through the whole process. She will rather choose a modest guy who is for real than a great guy who seems too good to be true.

There are also other fears that women have about men who are writing to them - are they really what they say they are? Aren't they unemployed, mentally disturbed or sexually unfit? Aren't they looking for a sex slave or cheap maid?

Just like in your country it is mostly horror stories that make newspaper headlines, in her country media also publicize shock stories about girls marrying foreigners; bad news sell the best!

You need to show the woman that you are a stable, serious, honest and reliable person.

And remember, actions speak louder than words! Words alone are not enough, and may be even harmful, for Russians believe he who speaks the most is the one who is doing the least.

Don't just tell her that you have a great sense of humor - demonstrate it! Make her laugh!


Don't just tell her that you have a great sense of humor - demonstrate it! Make her laugh!


Don't just give her the facts - give her also the benefits coming out from from those facts.


All women are emotional by nature. They go with feelings. You must be able to wake up her emotions and ensure she has strong feelings connected with your image. Only if it "feels right", will she fall in love with you.


She needs to make sure you are her Dream Man. Without it, she will not leave her country and family behind and move to a strange country to live with you.


Prove her that you are her Dream Man, and she will be yours!


Rule #7 Is On Its Way Tomorrow!


hope you enjoy your subscription.

And don't forget...
There are 3 more "Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" coming soon!


Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova

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This is your fifth part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #4 was to ensure you are talking to a real woman.


If you are using a specialized Russian dating agency, you are quite safe - they screen their members and their girls are real.


But if you use a general dating site, this is a very important moment and I suggest you read the Anti-Scam Guide to ensure your correspondent is for real.


If you are in any doubt, read the Guide - better be safe than sorry!

It will also help you to confirm if your relationship is genuine, and I am sure it will be a great relief for you.


Now that you have made sure that you are talking to a real woman, it is time for the Rule #5...


Rule #5. Don't question her intentions


If you decided to explore your options with Russian women, you must be doing it because you believe you can find somebody special, who will love you for you. (And you CAN!)

But since you are looking for such a person, you must not question her intentions, once you have found somebody you really like!

The woman has to trust you unconditionally to be able to leave her home, friends and family behind, and go to an unknown country to live with you. She places all her faith in your relationship. But to earn this unconditional faith and trust, you need to invest your own faith in this relationship, too.


Sounds like it goes without saying? You will be amazed how many men start a relationship with a Russian woman, and then they begin questioning her intentions, their age difference, the reason why she is willing to leave her friends and family behind, etc, etc.

They might have heard some horror stories, or their friends and family keep telling them she is only marrying him to get the passport, or they simply start feeling insecure because this woman seems to good to be true.
As the result, they destroy what could possibly be a wonderful relationship and long-lasting marriage.

Russian women place marriage and family as their first priority because they are brought up in this way; it is in their culture. But Russian demographics with only 88 men for 100 women prohibit them from finding a husband in Russia, and without a husband they feel their life is incomplete. Russian women really want to get married! This is why they are ready to leave their homeland behind, not the other way around.

Any woman will be offended if her genuine intentions are questioned. It is only liars that will not be offended by such questions and will readily assure you that their intentions are sincere. You will not get rid of pretenders this way, but you will scare away all the honest women!

An honest woman will lose her trust in you - and she cannot love somebody she does not trust! Once you start questioning her intentions, it is the beginning of the end of your relationship.

Forget "mail order brides" nonsense. What most western authors do not realize, it is how important marriage is for Russian women.


EVERY Russian woman feels unfulfilled if she does not have a husband. In Russia, to be considered a respectable member of the society a woman should be married, with children, or she is an outcast. This is why even successful career women in Russia have the need to meet a partner and get married. Yes, for a woman with a child, it is very difficult to find a husband in Russia, but still she seeks a husband, and not making a career instead, because she believes that a woman is made for the family life. This comes first, and only then come other things such as providing for her children etc. Women don't start their search for a husband abroad because they need somebody to provide for their children. They start their search because they want a complete family and a husband.


This nuance is difficult to explain; but I will try. You know western society is based in the cult of "success", which is mostly defined in financial terms. If you do not have money and do not have a career, you are not successful. The definition of success is the same for men and women.


In Russia, the definition of success for men and women is different.

For a man, success is similarly defined in financial terms. But for a woman, success is to be married to a worthy man, create a cozy home and bring up good children.

Now, just imagine you were unemployed and did not have a career, for a long time. How would you feel? This is the way an unmarried Russian woman feels, because for her having a complete family is the necessary condition of success and the feeling of well-being.


How would you feel if you have never had any job - while all your friends and classmates have one? This is how a Russian woman who has never been married feels.

A divorced Russian woman feels like a person who had lost her job long time ago. Their sense of self-worthiness and fulfillment depend on having a husband and complete family, the same way in America having money and career define the feeling of self-worthiness and fulfillment.


That's the best way I can explain why marriage is so important for Russian women.


Remember on Elena's Models you were reading profiles of women that seek a man like you?


Did you notice that in their profiles - they don't talk much about their careers and career aspirations but about family life and their hopes for marriage?


Now you understand why - marriage and family are MORE important conditions of success in life for Russian women than a career. Many successful career women sacrifice their careers to meet a good man for marriage!


This is what Elena Hughes from said:


“……I was a lonely 39 year old woman, succeeding in my own business in Belarus, an international travel agency.

I gave all my energy to my work, and for a personal life there was no time. As the years passed, I also began to reflect on times gone by, and I realized that wealth is not (or should not be) the main goal in life. There was no sound of children's laughter in my home. I was coming back to an empty house, tired, worn, and unimportant to anyone.

That was my life, despite my success.

For any woman there comes a time when you are no longer the focus of attention at a party you once were. After that, the hopes of a family life are gone, for it is already too late. I realized I had to urgently turn my life 180 degrees; and decided to devote myself to finding a good man for a happy marriage.

At one time in my life, I took a huge risk, selling all my personal belongings, to raise the seed capital for opening my tourist agency. I did not even keep a warm coat, and remember that winter I was always cold without my fur coat. Now I made a decision just as risky, to close the business, and focus on the goal of marriage. The tourist business does not forgive mistakes, they can be expensive, and I decided that the process of finding a husband was also an all-or-nothing proposition.

Not without the risk - in this endeavor, I could finish without the business or a husband.

Certainly some friends thought I had gone mad.


However, I felt confident, that I was moving toward my destiny.

Having removed the distraction of gainful employment, I set to work. In one newspaper, I saw an ad for a company "Elena's Models". I also hired an English tutor, to teach me individually. She assumed from my attitude that I was engaged, until I explained, "I will be married, but I have not found a groom yet."

(Sure enough, with such an attitude Elena soon met her future husband; he placed an ad in our Gentlemen's Catalog)

We were married in April 2002. We are past the 'honeymoon' and the expectations of the newlywed. We moved on to ordinary life. As with any family there are disagreements, and our characters had to settle in to married life. And in our first year, we had personal tragedies but we overcame them together.

We continue to love each other and are happy.

Now I am the happiest mum of a charming baby girl.

What a joy to be a mother and Doug's 'favorite wife'!…”


As you can see, those beautiful, educated, intelligent and sincere women don't look back and feel sorry for the lost career opportunities. They are confident that it was well worth it! They are happy to be in a loving relationship and raise a family. They believe this is what the woman is made for.

So if you are ready for this journey and really want to meet The Woman Of Your Dreams, realize once and forever that your dream woman is also looking for her Dream Man and life-long marriage, and does not have any hidden agenda. (If she had, she would NOT be your dream woman!)

So - don't question her intentions!


She will love you for you - but first of all YOU must believe that she CAN love you for you!

Rule #6 Is On Its Way Tomorrow!

I hope you enjoy your subscription.

And don't forget...
There are 4 more "Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" coming soon!


Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova

Read More!


Rule #3 was to don't fall for pretty pictures.

Most men write to the same girls with sexy pictures - while women with modest pictures don't receive any letters at all! And some of those women are just as beautiful as girls with sexy pictures... and probably even better!

You can skip competition if try to write to girls with plain pictures - just make sure the numbers will work for you; write to many girls and ask for more photos, you might well discover a hidden treasure!

And now it is the time for the disturbing and unsettling Rule #4... (Don't worry - everything will end well! )


Rule #4. Ensure you are talking to a real woman


Couple of days ago we discussed why you should use a specialized Russian dating agency as opposite to general dating sites when explore your options with Russian women.


There is also another reason why you should choose a specialized Russian dating agency when search for a partner in Russia: your own security.


I am talking about dating scams. This is a nuisance for Russian dating industry, since most people do not understand the internal mechanics of scams, and think it is Russian dating agencies that are prone to fraud.




Specialized Russian dating agencies screen their members and introduce real girls. It is large dating sites are responsible for 99% of all Internet dating scams. (Go to and see where men meet those scammers. They meet them at large dating sites!)

You might be unfamiliar with Internet dating scene, so let me elaborate.


Dating scammers are impostors that prey on lonely people. It is not only Russian criminals that are involved in dating scams: they exist in all countries; I have seen American women begging for money through Internet personals, too.


In fact, scammers can reach pretty much everybody who placed their ads online - it is not a privilege of people who seek international relationships.


But Russian dating scammers were the first to design a special software that corresponds with prospective victims via email without any human interaction, using the set of prewritten letters and a database that inserts victim's name in specially marked places throughout the message - so the scammers can keep contact with thousands prospective victims at a time, hands-free. This allowed Russian dating scammers to reach staggering numbers of people.


The classic scheme: scammers place fake profiles at large dating sites, where they can contact thousands unsuspecting men who know nothing about Russian realities, and start professing undying love until the end of eternity - and then ask for money for visa and tickets to come to the guy's country.


Of course after receiving the money no one ever arrives!


It is a pure fraud scheme, no real things involved: all is fake - photos, letters, names, and feelings.


This whole scam is based on the "mail order brides" concept, widely promoted by media: that a Russian woman will marry anybody, just to get out of her misery. (Remember we talked about it in the Rule #2?) This "mail order brides" nonsense is nothing but a myth: you cannot just "send her money" and have the perfect mail order bride knocking at your door next Friday!


Sorry folks, it does not work this way in real life.


If you ever had unsolicited correspondence from a "Russian woman" in response to your profile on a large dating site - that's it, it was this classic scam. Real Russian women don't hang in there - and they certainly do not write to men who did not express a desire to meet somebody internationally.


Why, would you write all of a sudden to a girl at a large Russian dating site who is looking for a Russian guy?! Nope. - Real Russian women don't do it either! If they want to meet somebody internationally, they go to international marriage agencies - and if you want to meet real women, you should do the same.


All decent Russian dating agencies state very clearly: do not send money to women! Scammers cannot get anything there.


For example, we at Elena's Models include "do not send money" warning with every message with women's addresses, as well as publish it in our FAQ. We also provide links to anti-scam sites on our home page. (BTW, recommends Elena's Models as their #1 choice!)


I hope I convinced you that if you seek beyond national borders, you will be in better of using a service specialized in international introductions.


But if you might be already in contact with somebody you met online...


If so, make sure you are talking to a real woman.


I often receive emails and phone calls from men who say they are in contact with a Russian woman and ask me how to check if she is sincere. When I hear this type of beginning, the first question I ask is: "Where did you meet her?" The answer to this question defines if it is a scam or a real woman. If he met "her" at a large dating site, then it is a scam!


How can I be sure?


Let me tell you again: real women do not write to men who are not looking for a match internationally.


They write to guys who advertise at international marriage agencies!


That's the first reason.


The second reason is that most large dating sites don't even list profiles from Russia! They have had so many complaints about scammers at their sites that now they check IP addresses and do not activate profiles that are placed from Russian IP addresses. A real girl from Russia simply cannot place a profile there!


I know because some of my Russian girlfriends tried. They filled the form at large, popular dating sites and their profiles have never been activated by the site admin.


But scammers still manage to place their profiles on those sites!




They place them from the USA IP addresses, and put the USA location in their profiles. When the profile is activated, they change it in the profile or explain that it was somebody else who placed a profile for her and made a mistake.


! That's it: real Russian girls cannot place a profile at the largest, most popular general dating sites - but scammers CAN!


So if your story sounds like, "I was not looking for a Russian woman; we just met over the Internet" - better be wary!


If you were not looking for a Russian woman, you won't meet one!


All you can meet are scam artists that send thousands unsolicited emails to thousands recipients, and some of those guys are destined to fall for it.


A real girl can probably be in contact with a dozen men but scam artists target hundreds of thousands of people - they are in the numbers game.


Be especially careful with persons that contacted you first, and you did not state in your profile you were looking for a Russian woman. Such contacts are nearly always scams.


Most of them are… men! Yes, it is men behind most of those scams! Those "girls" are not real people. It is just a name with a set of prewritten letters and photos. 


(For more details on scams and scammers, read the Anti-Scam Guide - read once, and forget about scammers forever!)
The shortest anti-scam advice that I can give you in this course is:

do not send money 

If you do not send money, you can never be scammed.

It is by sending money men breed dating scammers. If all men stopped sending money, dating scammers would become extinct. This is why all decent dating agencies prohibit money requests and sending money from one member to another.


We at Elena's Models state very clearly on the page where women submit their profiles that money requests are prohibited! We also advise male clients against of sending money for any reason whatsoever. The result - it is no use for scammers to even try our agency! Our clients do not send them money.


This is why our agency is recommended by many anti-scam sources. ( recommends us as their number one choice.) We take due care to keep our database clean from scammers.


Be warned if something in your communication with a "Russian woman" happens too easily; like this gorgeous girl 20 years younger than yourself who is madly in love with you by her third letter, and who immediately wants to come and join you in your country.


Real women don't fall in love within a few letters and do not ask men for money for visas and tickets. If somebody professes her love for you and wants to visit you immediately, just send her money - it is not a real woman! It is a scammer!!


Real women are not desperate.
You need to win her heart!


It is NOT normal if a woman professes her undying, unconditional love for you before you even met in person. Real women NEVER do it - whether they are Russian, Ukrainian, American or Australian. They want you to court them, date them, tell them nice things and give them flowers.


Don't think a Russian woman will jump on you just because you live in America or Australia or Europe - if she is a real person, she needs a real connection before deciding on such an important change in her life as leaving her country, family and friends behind - her whole world as she knows it. It is a huge decision to make; and she is looking for her Dream Man, just as you are looking for your Dream Woman.

Rule #5 Is On Its Way Tomorrow!


I hope you have found it informational.
And remember... 
There are 5 more "Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" coming soon!


With kindest regards,

Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova

Read More!


This is your third part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #2 was to choose a service that is familiar with Russian realities because those services have a better choice of quality women.


Women who have just started their choice and want to meet somebody internationally apply to specialized Russian dating agencies - and NOT to large dating sites.


Selecting an agency that specializes in international introductions with Russian women you can increase your chances of success up to 24 times (!) as comparing to the use of general dating sites.


Put it simply: you can meet a better quality woman there!

Now that you know where to look for available women who are beautiful, intelligent, educated and who are interested in meeting a man like you, it is time for the Rule #3...


Rule #3. Seek a person, not a picture

Most men make this mistake when meet women online - they fall for pretty pictures, and don't pay enough attention to personalities. 

But if your goal is a life-long marriage, you will have to live with a person, not a picture!

A great personality is much more important for an enduring marriage than great looks. I know you have heard it thousand times before, but beauty will fade... personality won't.


I do not suggest to select a woman who is not beautiful!

Not at all!


You can find in Russia many beautiful women that will be happy to be with you.

I just suggest you do not fall for pretty pictures.

What's the difference?


Most men choose photos of women that openly display themselves, and disregard women who don't show their bodies in sexy poses.


They forget about the simple thing: if her photo was a knockout for you, it will be a knockout for the next guy, too.


So most men write to the same girls with sexy photos, and then they cannot understand why their response is so poor - while women with modest pictures receive no letters at all!


Most of us ordinary folks do not have "knockout" photos - unless we are professional models, actors, etc. Also, most people feel uneasy in front of the camera and don't look like their real self when taken pictures of.


When women send their photos to us, they just pick up a couple of their latest photos, and send them! They seldom think about their photos - it is me, what's wrong with it? A "normal" photo. (Take a note, guys! This is true in regard to your own photos that you send to women, too!)


In reality, she looks pretentious and unnatural - and therefore unattractive. Such a "normal" photo is never a knockout. In fact, a "normal" photo is unlikely to produce any responses at all!


Especially it is true in regard to girls who have just started their search. Usually, if the photos are of bad quality, women don't receive any letters and decide it will not work for them. Most women send their data to agencies only once - they do NOT replace their photos!


For most women, applying to an agency is the same type of thing as for men trying "free" services: "Let's give it a go and then we'll see."


So they do not think much, send poor quality photos and empty profiles, and then they are surprised - no one writes to them! They decide "Oh, it just does not work" and don't even realize it was because of her poor photos! They would be inundated with offers if they had made nice photos!


I am a woman, so I am not affected by "knockout" pics.
I can see if the woman is truly beautiful or she is nothing special - even if she has bad photos.


Here is a practical, real-life example.

This is the picture of a girl that she sent to our agency with her profile:  9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women

Being a woman, I could see the girl was very beautiful - but her address was never sold!


Her picture just was not a "knockout"!
You probably also would not write to her.


Now, we had a client on Individual Search program who was looking for a girl like her - the age, the height, the body type, the education, the knowledge of languages, the type of personality, etc. She was 100% right according to his parameters.


The problem was he was looking for a "very beautiful" girl. The two pictures of the girl that we had on file did not look "very beautiful" - that is, the pictures did not look right - the girl WAS beautiful, and I knew that!


His parameters were very strict and there were just a few girls that fit his requirements. This girl was just perfect but he would not fall for her with the current pics - I guess he would think I gone mad if I sent him her data; he was very particular about a "beautiful" girl.


What could we do?


If there is a will, there is a way: I asked our agent in the city to meet the girl and make new photos of her.


This is one of those photos: 9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women

You see now?


She has the looks of a top-model!


And this is NOT a professional photo - this is how she looks in real life!


Of course the Individual Search client fell in love with her instantly!
And he had NO COMPETITION - no man ever wrote to her!


This is what I mean by "not falling for pretty pictures".

Do not try to write to "beautiful" women - write to women that meet your requirements.


Try to write to 50 women that look plain on their pictures in the catalog and ask them for more photos. You will be surprised! At least 20% of them will be just as beautiful as girls with sexy pictures - and you might be the only man who wrote to them!

(In my latest book, "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me" I explain in details how you can get dozens unprofessional photos from any woman)

For example, on Elena's Models you can get 50 addresses for only $95 - it's less than $2 per address! Write to all the girls that sound right - for once in your life, disregard pictures (I know, it's hard! )

Try to look at her face and imagine her smile... or laugh...

Look at her hair: if she has long hair, imagine how it would look lose... how it would look when it's a bit longer than that...

Look at her height and weight and check pictures of the girls with the same parameters: her figure will look about the same. 

Guys go wild about girls in swimming suits, I cannot understand why?

ANY girl of the same height and weight will look similar to that in a similar outfit! 

What happens, swimsuit photos are an instant knockout; the guy feels so excited, he hardly can realize it is not the girl who made his heart skip a beat; it is the swimming suit! 

Take another girl of the same proportions (i.e. height and weight) and put her in the same pose, with a similar hairstyle and outfit, and she will look just as desirable!


Girls who seek a partner for a long time and cannot meet anybody, and who don't give up (most of them DO give up when they don't have instant results... sad!), those girls realize eventually the power of photos and make new ones.


I am going to show you another set of photos: the girl as she sent us her photos initially 2 years ago, and the new pictures she sent us after many letters we have exchanged with her - she was asking why she cannot meet anybody... she was about to give up! 

You can see it is the same girl! Even though she is 2 years younger on the first photo, I am sure it is the second photo that would be a knockout for any hot-blooded male!

Here they are:

 9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women 9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women

And this girl could not find anyone for two years!
Can you believe it?


You probably can't - but I can: I have seen and personally know hundreds pretty girls that were seeking a partner for years - and no man ever visited them!


I could have included hundreds more photos here, what photos girls sent initially and what photos they sent afterwards... sometimes you cannot believe it is the same girl!


You could see it for yourself now.
Those two are real-life examples.

Surely, if you write to many girls that look plain on their photos, some of them will indeed look like Plain Jane's...


But if only ONE of them happens to be that hidden gem that no one had discovered before you... this can be well worth it!

Rule #4 Is On Its Way Tomorrow!


I hope you have found it informational.


And don't forget...
There are 6 more "Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" coming soon!


With kindest regards,

 Elen a Petrova

Elen a Petrova

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