This is your third part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #2 was to choose a service that is familiar with Russian realities because those services have a better choice of quality women.


Women who have just started their choice and want to meet somebody internationally apply to specialized Russian dating agencies - and NOT to large dating sites.


Selecting an agency that specializes in international introductions with Russian women you can increase your chances of success up to 24 times (!) as comparing to the use of general dating sites.


Put it simply: you can meet a better quality woman there!

Now that you know where to look for available women who are beautiful, intelligent, educated and who are interested in meeting a man like you, it is time for the Rule #3...


Rule #3. Seek a person, not a picture

Most men make this mistake when meet women online - they fall for pretty pictures, and don't pay enough attention to personalities. 

But if your goal is a life-long marriage, you will have to live with a person, not a picture!

A great personality is much more important for an enduring marriage than great looks. I know you have heard it thousand times before, but beauty will fade... personality won't.


I do not suggest to select a woman who is not beautiful!

Not at all!


You can find in Russia many beautiful women that will be happy to be with you.

I just suggest you do not fall for pretty pictures.

What's the difference?


Most men choose photos of women that openly display themselves, and disregard women who don't show their bodies in sexy poses.


They forget about the simple thing: if her photo was a knockout for you, it will be a knockout for the next guy, too.


So most men write to the same girls with sexy photos, and then they cannot understand why their response is so poor - while women with modest pictures receive no letters at all!


Most of us ordinary folks do not have "knockout" photos - unless we are professional models, actors, etc. Also, most people feel uneasy in front of the camera and don't look like their real self when taken pictures of.


When women send their photos to us, they just pick up a couple of their latest photos, and send them! They seldom think about their photos - it is me, what's wrong with it? A "normal" photo. (Take a note, guys! This is true in regard to your own photos that you send to women, too!)


In reality, she looks pretentious and unnatural - and therefore unattractive. Such a "normal" photo is never a knockout. In fact, a "normal" photo is unlikely to produce any responses at all!


Especially it is true in regard to girls who have just started their search. Usually, if the photos are of bad quality, women don't receive any letters and decide it will not work for them. Most women send their data to agencies only once - they do NOT replace their photos!


For most women, applying to an agency is the same type of thing as for men trying "free" services: "Let's give it a go and then we'll see."


So they do not think much, send poor quality photos and empty profiles, and then they are surprised - no one writes to them! They decide "Oh, it just does not work" and don't even realize it was because of her poor photos! They would be inundated with offers if they had made nice photos!


I am a woman, so I am not affected by "knockout" pics.
I can see if the woman is truly beautiful or she is nothing special - even if she has bad photos.


Here is a practical, real-life example.

This is the picture of a girl that she sent to our agency with her profile:  9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women

Being a woman, I could see the girl was very beautiful - but her address was never sold!


Her picture just was not a "knockout"!
You probably also would not write to her.


Now, we had a client on Individual Search program who was looking for a girl like her - the age, the height, the body type, the education, the knowledge of languages, the type of personality, etc. She was 100% right according to his parameters.


The problem was he was looking for a "very beautiful" girl. The two pictures of the girl that we had on file did not look "very beautiful" - that is, the pictures did not look right - the girl WAS beautiful, and I knew that!


His parameters were very strict and there were just a few girls that fit his requirements. This girl was just perfect but he would not fall for her with the current pics - I guess he would think I gone mad if I sent him her data; he was very particular about a "beautiful" girl.


What could we do?


If there is a will, there is a way: I asked our agent in the city to meet the girl and make new photos of her.


This is one of those photos: 9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women

You see now?


She has the looks of a top-model!


And this is NOT a professional photo - this is how she looks in real life!


Of course the Individual Search client fell in love with her instantly!
And he had NO COMPETITION - no man ever wrote to her!


This is what I mean by "not falling for pretty pictures".

Do not try to write to "beautiful" women - write to women that meet your requirements.


Try to write to 50 women that look plain on their pictures in the catalog and ask them for more photos. You will be surprised! At least 20% of them will be just as beautiful as girls with sexy pictures - and you might be the only man who wrote to them!

(In my latest book, "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me" I explain in details how you can get dozens unprofessional photos from any woman)

For example, on Elena's Models you can get 50 addresses for only $95 - it's less than $2 per address! Write to all the girls that sound right - for once in your life, disregard pictures (I know, it's hard! )

Try to look at her face and imagine her smile... or laugh...

Look at her hair: if she has long hair, imagine how it would look lose... how it would look when it's a bit longer than that...

Look at her height and weight and check pictures of the girls with the same parameters: her figure will look about the same. 

Guys go wild about girls in swimming suits, I cannot understand why?

ANY girl of the same height and weight will look similar to that in a similar outfit! 

What happens, swimsuit photos are an instant knockout; the guy feels so excited, he hardly can realize it is not the girl who made his heart skip a beat; it is the swimming suit! 

Take another girl of the same proportions (i.e. height and weight) and put her in the same pose, with a similar hairstyle and outfit, and she will look just as desirable!


Girls who seek a partner for a long time and cannot meet anybody, and who don't give up (most of them DO give up when they don't have instant results... sad!), those girls realize eventually the power of photos and make new ones.


I am going to show you another set of photos: the girl as she sent us her photos initially 2 years ago, and the new pictures she sent us after many letters we have exchanged with her - she was asking why she cannot meet anybody... she was about to give up! 

You can see it is the same girl! Even though she is 2 years younger on the first photo, I am sure it is the second photo that would be a knockout for any hot-blooded male!

Here they are:

 9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women 9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women

And this girl could not find anyone for two years!
Can you believe it?


You probably can't - but I can: I have seen and personally know hundreds pretty girls that were seeking a partner for years - and no man ever visited them!


I could have included hundreds more photos here, what photos girls sent initially and what photos they sent afterwards... sometimes you cannot believe it is the same girl!


You could see it for yourself now.
Those two are real-life examples.

Surely, if you write to many girls that look plain on their photos, some of them will indeed look like Plain Jane's...


But if only ONE of them happens to be that hidden gem that no one had discovered before you... this can be well worth it!

Rule #4 Is On Its Way Tomorrow!


I hope you have found it informational.


And don't forget...
There are 6 more "Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" coming soon!


With kindest regards,

 Elen a Petrova

Elen a Petrova

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1 ความคิดเห็น:

hungeryjack said...

Nice post - russian women photos ..Keep Posting

russian women photos

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