This is your second part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #1 was to look for a suitable partner - not for a "Russian" woman.

Exploring your options in Russia makes sense because you can meet better quality women there than is available for you at home - women who are beautiful, intelligent, educated, fit, stylish and sexy, and also much younger than yourself.

Now that you know what kind of women are actually available for you, it is time for the Rule #2...


Rule #2. Choose a service that is familiar with Russian realities


When men begin looking outside the national borders and discover the pool of exciting options, they are still unsure if they will succeed: "It sounds promising but can it really work?"


This is the reason why some men embark on using free and low-cost services, or look for Russian women at large general dating sites.


They think: "Let me give it a try, and see where it goes..."


Well, you know very well where you can find some free cheese... in a mousetrap!


I don't like it either but good things in life are seldom cheap. Yes, you can get just as good knowledge from books you borrow in a public library without attending any college, but tell me, how many people succeeded in doing that? Right, not too many. Most people have to pay to get advanced knowledge. They simply do not have enough skills to acquire this knowledge without a guidance.


Well, it is the same with most other things in life - and let me tell you, it is exactly the same with dating. Go for the free cheese and you will end up in a mousetrap!


When searching for a partner abroad, it is always prudent to choose a service that specializes in worldwide introductions from this particular country.


So, if you set up to explore your options with Russian women, go for a specialized Russian dating agency.


Specialized Russian dating agencies know all about the process of global dating. They are specifically designed to bring together people that seek relationships outside the national borders. They feature women that are ready to relocate and want to meet somebody abroad.


This makes your job of finding a suitable partner so much easier than when you use non-specialized services.


Contrary to the popular belief, most Russian women don't want to emigrate and are not interested in meeting somebody overseas.


Only a very small percentage of Russian women are interested in a foreign man as a marriage partner. There are millions of singe Russian women - but only thousands women that post their profiles on the sites offering global introductions.


This is what an American man that spent 6 months in Russia, visited 9 cities and talked to hundreds Russian people, men and women, thinks about it:


“……Many ignorant people (who have never been to Russia obviously) constantly say that Russian women treat me and other foreign men much better because they are desperate to get out of their country. These people make snap judgments about something they know nothing about. This common point of view is ignorant, laughable and easily disproven from every angle.

Most Russian women love to travel to places like Europe, America, or other countries for holidays but not to move there permanently (I don't think that in any country, the typical person there is looking to leave it). And even among those that do want to leave their country to live elsewhere, many of them prefer Europe over America because it's much more convenient to come back home to visit their families, and because European culture is closer and similar to theirs. Also, even among those that want to leave their country, most of them are not desperate. They are merely considering it as an option, not basing all their hopes on it. They would consider moving abroad for the right man that they fall in love with, but it's not their goal in life.

This misconception arose partly because of the false image of Russian women portrayed by our egocentric media. One of the jobs of our media besides selling news for its advertisers, is to motivate you to get up and go to work or school everyday to keep our economy/society productive. One of the ways of doing this is to make you think that other people are worse off than you and would give anything to be in your shoes. And of course, bad news sells better for the media and its advertisers, since people like to believe that others are worse off than they are and would give anything to be in their shoes, to keep themselves motivated in their current situation in life.

Most of the women that are in those online marriage agencies are not there for the sole purpose of getting out the country. They are there because there is a shortage of good men in their country who can financially provide for them and they want to see if they can meet such a man for them.

IF they meet that right man, THEN they will consider relocating to his country if he wishes.

But their main objective is NOT to get out of Russia!

Winston Wu

(Read the whole article at


Now, let's get to the basics:

How it happens that Russian women
start looking for a partner abroad?

First, they simply feel lonely and set up looking for a date, and then they look... where?

Of course, in local personals!

Precisely, they look through newspaper ads - newspapers with private ads are very popular in Russia and Ukraine; even most real estate and second-hand cars are sold directly from one person to another through newspaper ads and not through brokers.

So single women look through local personals - and this is where they find ads of international marriage agencies, and some women decide to give it a try. Large dating sites do not advertise there. So women send their data to international marriage agencies - and not to large dating sites.

This is why specialized Russian dating agencies have a better selection of quality women than general dating sites.

And this is why it makes perfect sense to use a specialized Russian dating agency if you set up on exploring your options with Russian women.

Specialized Russian dating agencies have the knowledge and resources to assist your in your search. By using a specialized agency, you increase your chance to succeed up to 24 times, compared to the use of general dating sites.

Put it simpler, if you want to succeed in your search for the Woman Of Your Dreams in Russia, you need to use a Russian dating agency.

(Since I run Elena's Models, I suggest you use it! )

Rule #3 Is On Its Way Tomorrow

I hope this information was helpful for you.

And don't forget...
There are 7 more "Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" coming soon!


Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova

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1 ความคิดเห็น:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the useful tips for dating. Hope it would be helpful for many.

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