This is your seventh part of "9 Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women".


Rule #6 was to show her you are for real.


All women have certain fears connected with the search for a husband abroad. Women's biggest fear is that she will spend her time and effort on you and it will end in vain.


In order to be successful, you need to show the woman that you are a stable, serious person, who knows what he wants and is ready to turn this Internet adventure into a real-life relationship.


Now that you know you need to prove to women that you are for real and how to do it, it is time for the Rule #7...


Rule 7. Seek to understand first, then to be understood


Many men make a mistake of trying to judge Russian women the same way they judge western women. But Russian women grew up in a different culture, and they have different values. 

As you know by now, they even have a different definition of success in life.

It is not easy for a man to understand what women want... but now you have in addition those "cultural variables"!


How do you deal with that?

Certainly, you can guess - and there is a possibility that you might guess right... a very slight possibility, I must add.


This is exactly what most men are doing - guessing!


They think things are the same with Russian women...



There are many cultural nuances that can turn your message upside down, and the idea she gets will be completely the opposite of what you were trying to converse!


Let me give you a practical example.


For instance, in western culture it is considered inappropriate to offer the same thing twice. But in Russian culture, it is considered inappropriate to accept an offer the first time; one should refuse at first and accept it only when the offer is repeated several times.


Imagine yourself on a date, you would ask your date if she is hungry, and she would say she is OK, and you would not be worried. At the same time she feels neglected because she is terribly hungry and only refused because it is the custom; you were supposed to offer it a few times more! For her, it looks like you grabbed the opportunity to save on her, and your offer weren't genuine - if it were genuine, you would insist. She thinks you are cheap!


Be sure to learn beforehand what is acceptable in Russian culture and Russian courting etiquette, and what is not. 


Where can you learn it?


There are excellent e-books available on the subject. Books will save you months and thousands in your search, and will ensure you meet a better quality woman.


What I like about e-books, is that they are constantly updated by their authors and give you the latest information and advice. A paper book, once published, may become obsolete in just a few months - with e-books, it never happens! You always get the latest information on the subject.


I believe if something is worth doing, it is worth doing it right.


To do something right the first time, the only way is to learn from people who have done it right - after making lots of mistakes on their own! - and are willing to share their knowledge. Avoid advice of the people who did not reach their goals. Learn from people who have succeeded.


In my latest e-book, "How To Find And Marry A Girl Like Me", I devote considerable effort explaining the details of Russian courting etiquette, what is acceptable and what is not.


By now, I have not come across another book on the subject that would explain those things in such a detail; so I suggest you start from there.


Behave with Russian women the way they are accustomed to, and you will be miles ahead of your competition!

Rule #8 Is On Its Way Tomorrow!

I hope you enjoy your subscription.


And don't forget...
There are 2 more "Simple Rules For Dating Russian Women" coming soon!



Elena Petrova

Elena Petrova

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1 ความคิดเห็น:

Unknown said...

. Good article! But dont know how far helpful. If To start following all those tips it will become more puzzled. The only thing which works with scammers is not sending them money! For any reason. Btw I joinedglobogirls.com and seems like they fights these scammers badly,for half a year of staying there I didn't meet anyone.

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